MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)

Poverty comparisons and mapping in the European Union

The course will describe the process of construction of multidimensional indicators of poverty at regional and sub-regional level and the mapping of the results. It is composed of three modules:

Module 1: Multidimensional Poverty and Living Conditions Indicators

Module 2: Laeken Indicators and their computation on pseudo-populations

Module 3: Small Area Estimation 

Learning outcomes:

The learning outcomes are:

  1. knowledge on the main official survey data sources available in Eu to compute multidimensional poverty indicators
  2. definition of Laeken Indicators and their computation on pseudo-populations obtained by Eu data.
  3. the Small Area Estimation problem, the estimation of the main Laeken indicators by simple/basic Small Area Estimation methods
  4. mapping of the results and interpretation of the estimates and of the associated Confidence Intervals
